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New Master’s program

Advances in medicine are increasingly being made at the interface between cell and molecular biology and the clinical sciences. A new Master’s program at LMU, entitled “Human Biology – Principles in Health and Disease”, which is scheduled to begin in 2018, will focus on this nexus between basic biology, clinical medicine and healthcare.


Excerpt from LMU press relase of July 31, 2017:

Human Biology – Principles in Health and Disease

“This new course fills an important gap in our curriculum,” explains Professor Thomas Gudermann. “In parallel to the classical subjects, Biology or Medicine, it is intended to serve as an interdisciplinary Master’s program for students who are interested in both medical and biological issues.” “Its aim is to provide a solid grounding in the fundamental principles and the current state of biological research, and to combine this with an understanding of their relevance to medicine and health,” adds Professor Heinrich Leonhardt of the LMU Biocenter, who designed the new course in collaboration with Professor Gudermann. The Master’s course in Human Biology will therefore treat the biological and medical aspects of its subject matter on an equal footing – both with regard to its content and the composition of the teaching staff involved.

The Master’s program “Human Biology - Principles in Health and Disease at LMU is financially supported by the Elitenetzwerk Bayern.

LMU press release